Wednesday, February 19, 2014

My Baby, My Boy

My Lewis is growing up, and it's exciting.  And I already miss my baby.  This thought is repeated so often, by so many mothers, that it becomes a comment that only skims the surface, not sinking in deeply.  But once you're actually experiencing it, it's cause for consternation.  

He's sleeping in a boy's bed, sharing a room with his brother.  He's been in there napping for a while, but the past two nights he wanted to be with "Linky"--and he's not only stayed through 'til morning, but he SLEPT THROUGH those two nights in a row.  This morning, he cried for me shortly before 5:00, but then went back to sleep until 7:00.  I don't remember the last time that happened; his normal wake up is around 5:40.  

He's potty training by choice.  He's making jokes with his brother that crack them both up.  He's wanting to do things on his own, like climb the stairs with no hand from mommy. His legs are looking long.  He's fierce in expressing his desires.  Though the product looks very different from his brother's, he does most of our school lesson projects right along with us.  He's so proud of himself whenever he does something new or well, like watercoloring: often the water-filled brush goes to the paper without any paint, and he's puzzled.  But then he gets the order properly, and a big, bold swash of turquoise lands on his paper, and he's just delighted.   

I'm so proud of him. 

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

For Myself, to Remember When I'm Feeling Uncharitable



I need to apologize to you for how I have communicated with you and thought toward you over the past few weeks.  I have had a hard time looking at things from your perspective, and instead focused on my own frustrations when things don't unfold in the way or as easily as I had planned.  And instead of dealing with the roots of my frustration I have allowed my disappointments and bothered-ness to fester until what fills overshadows my soul regarding you is thoughts of division and cutting down.  
I need to take this time (of reflection and actual writing) to realize the problems in my own heart and attitude.  I have cho been choosing to forget that above any other aspect of our relationship, and regardless of our actions/inactions toward each other, 
I am your friend.
You are my friend.  
And we are Sisters.
I have often been puzzled by the term "passive-aggressive," but I'm realizing that in a lot of ways, I myself am passive aggressive.  Instead of just expressing my feelings and thoughts directly (and tactfully/graciously), I tend to avoid any apparent conflict and pretend as if nothing is ever much the matter.  But it isn't true.  Underneath the surface I get downright angry and hurt sometimes, but deal with it in ways that just lead me toward resentment, bitterness, and a wounded spirit that pulls me away from relationship instead of seeking restoration.  I think I've had enough conversations with you about my mom for you to see that my relationship with her is sort of the flagship example of this principle at work in my life, though I've actually never realized it before now.  My relationship with my mom is something I've struggled with for a long, long time, but I want that sort of damage to not be given the nourishment to grow up into any more of my relationships.  
So I want to lay that down for you, and ask for your forgiveness for when I've been cold or stony or sullen toward you, especially about library matters.  As you step away from the library to be able to give as much of your energy as possible to Lucy and Alex, I want to turn to a fresh page of grace and friendship with you.  I want to do life together with you, friend.  

Love in Him, Lydia