Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Location, Location, Location

Today I was a mom of three, and after eating an early lunch I realized it was potentially another two hours until nap time.  Oh man, I was ready for a nap already!

So I bundled up the kiddos, strapped the baby to my front, and we went outside for some fresh air.  I walked back and forth along my property front to enjoy the benefits of a "walk", and the slip-free road surface.  The boys started by diving into the snow of the front yard, but quickly moved over behind the garage, where we have a steep embankment that they love sliding/sledding down.  As Lincoln led the way over there, planning to slide on bottoms where there actually wasn't much snow to cushion them, I asked him, "What if you get a stick in your butt?"  A similar thing happened to me once.  Not fun.  But I decided we'd just deal with that gore if we came to it.  They had a wonderful time.  No stick injuries to speak of.  

It occurred to me as I walked, once again, how much I appreciate the location of our home.  We're tucked away on a back street of our village, and the only cars I saw during my time on the road were the mail carrier and a friend dropping my neighbor off at home.  There were signs of lots of "foot traffic": squirrels and mice tunnels and rabbits and cats and deer and boys.  

What a gift for my afternoon.  The Lord knew exactly where our home ought to be, giving us the best of both village and woods life.  I got to snuggle a baby as she watched my boys' antics, and then fell asleep on my chest.  I filled my lungs with fresh air instead of a fresh cup of coffee, and my body felt better for it.  

When I relocate my thoughts to Gifts and the Giver instead of whatI'dratherbedoing, all of life is better for it.   

Friday, December 5, 2014

Sometimes It Would Be Nice...

Sometimes I think about how wonderful it would be to have a full day to do nothing but spa-pamper myself.  In most ways it seems like a total waste of time and/or money, or at least impractical--I mean, I shave my legs and they're already stubbly the next day.  Hair grows (everywhere), polish chips, muscles tense, skin dries, on and on.

But what a day that would be, to just feel PERFECT.  With a friend or two, I could exercise, running or swimming or doing yoga (or all of that) and feeling all limbered up, then head to a hot jacuzzi tub filled with bubbles and emollients and drink a gallon of cucumber-lemon water.  I could wrap up in fluffy-white Turkish cotton robes, and relax in a heated recliner while my feet and hands experience the best mani-pedi of my life.  I could--heavens!--get waxed, eek!  I could lie down and have my body returned to perfect alignment and my muscles rubbed into happy submission while I just let my skin feel and my brain wander around in sleepy contentment.  My hair could receive a deep conditioning, a cut and (low-maintenance) style to perfectly complement my features, and then a true Hollywood makeup artist could do the sort of before-and-after magic that transforms a normal 50-year-old face into a cover girl masterpiece.  And then I could choose The Dress, the perfect gorgeous dress for me, along with the shoes, the jewelry, the bag...and spend a night out on the town with my hubby for the best date night of our lives.  Something like a world-class gourmet restaurant and Broadway show should be included in that.  Oh yea, and all day long before this, healthy, light, organic and super-tasty little meal snacks would be served so my insides feel as good as my outside.

One day, every now and then.

Queen Esther had an entire year of such treatment, and it wasn't just for the sake of her face; she won the heart of the king and changed the course of history, because she used her God-given beauty courageously.

And the young woman pleased (Hegai) and won his favor.  And he quickly provided her with her cosmetics and her portion of food, and with seven chosen young women from the king's palace (to serve her)...after being twelve months under the regulations for the women, since this was the regular period of their beautifying, six months with oil of myrrh and six months with spices and ointments for women--when the young woman went in to the king in this way, she was given whatever she desired to take with her from the harem to the king's palace.  -Esther 2:9, 12b-13
One day, every now and then.  How incredible would that be?