Saturday, February 18, 2012

Teasing Me

On Wednesday night, I started having contractions.  So I packed everybody's bags for hospital/babysitter stays.  Because, with Lincoln, the start of contractions was the start of the real thing, and eight hours later there was a baby on top of my belly instead of inside it.  

Not so with this little one.  Sigh.  At Thursday's baby appointment, Dr. Crawford pronounced me 80% effaced and a centimeter dilated.  Which is good.  And pretty certainly indicates this baby will be here before his official March 7 due date.  However, he's not here yet, and I've spent the past three days just...waaaiiittting.  I don't have a real right to this yet.  Many mamas, of course, are still weeks away from delivery by the time they're at 37 1/2 weeks preggo.  

But I'm ready :0)  And I don't want to unpack my hospital bags, but I also don't want to continue hauling them to and from the car every time I leave the house.  You know, just in case.  Because once labor DOES start, it'll probably go fast.  

Or not.  He might tease me throughout that process, too! 

1 comment:

  1. I had a similar experience with my babies. My first came a week early. My water broke, labor started...11 hours later we had a son. Comes along baby #2. Three, yes, three trips to the hospital with false labor! Finally he decided to make his appearance in the midst of the first snowstorm of the year. Hope things go better for you!
