Monday, April 9, 2012

Grace Upon Grace

This morning, I return to my job as Office Manager at Beaver Camp.  I've been home for about 7 weeks, enjoying the opportunity to grow and learn about my "new" family of four.  It's a good family :0)  That alone is grace upon grace. 

But there's so much more! 

In the past several days, I have not felt stress about the start of this new season; indeed, I've even looked forward to the going-ahead-and-starting of these next ten weeks (then yet another season will begin with the close of school and the start of summer's camp schedule).

Last night, Lewis slept for his longest stretches yet.  He went 4 and a 1/4 hours his first leg of the night, then another 3!  This meant that for the first time, I was only up twice in the night. 

And this morning, he slept through my 5am alarm, my shower, my dressing and even makeup, my preparations of Lincoln's breakfast before either boy was up, my own "first breakfast," packing some of our supplies for the day, making the bed, and also Lincoln's first breakfast once Andy got him up.

There have been no long stretches of crying, and Lincoln is currently tucking Lewis into the bouncer using the mostly clean burp cloth I always have close at hand. 

It is an immature measure of God's care for us that says "if He loves me, He'll do good things for me."  Of course hard and even terrible things happen to us--that is just part of living in a broken world, a broken body, with a sinful nature that reaps us unfortunate consequences.  However, He DOES love to shower us, His children, with good gifts. 

And this morning has already been a good--no, many good--gift(s)!

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