Flourish Of Frames Christmas Card
This season, send Christmas cards personalized with family photos.
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"Every branch of mine that does not bear fruit he takes away, and every branch that does bear fruit he prunes, that it may bear more fruit...Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in me." John 15:2,4That was my journal entry this morning. (Only my fifth entry since Lewis was born almost four months ago!) The latest thing I am thankful for is that both boys are currently sleeping, and I decided to re-read this morning's thoughts. Because now all my priorities are fresh on my mind again, so I can go tackle 'em :0)
Father, thank you for this encouragement today. Because you know what it tells me? That I bear fruit for you, and so am worth pruning. Thank you for pruning me and shaping me in to the topiary of everything you mean me to be.
Today I can pull weeds, and bake bread, and do more laundry, and play with my boys, and call for appointments, and write thank you notes, and organize a library binder, and go to church early this evening to share that beautiful library, and even share a meal with my church family. Thank you, Father, for all the good things I can put my hands to today. Amen.
For a friend last night, the fragment of a verse came to mind: "keep him in perfect peace." I love that my Bible has a concordance at the back, and it took me right to Isaiah 26:3, which says "You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You." What a fitting reminder for right now, when my quiet time might need to happen while brushing my teeth. But it's so much better than no quiet time at all. Jehovah Jireh ("my Provider") and his Word must be the foundation of all I undertake to do. Because everything that's needed (and He'll help to know what is and isn't needed) I can do through Christ who strengthens me!It was somewhere around this time that I realized I had better strike the word overwhelmed from my vocabulary.God gave me this to do. I may not be overwhelmed about it. I can try as hard as I can, and maybe fail sometimes. I can try as hard as I can and fall asleep at the dinner table. I can try as hard as I can and be completely burned out at the end of the day. But I may not be overwhelmed. Actually, I may be overwhelmed, but I may not say that I am overwhelmed! The words have a real power over us. If you say it, you allow it for yourself. You give yourself that little bit of room to say, "But I can't!" (p. 41)
With family and friends at Church of the Savior, Palm Sunday 2012 (4/1). |