Wednesday, March 16, 2016

10 Plagues Puppets for Jesus Storybook Bible

Based on these puppets from Amazon.  But I made a few changes (plague of tigers?), and utilized my store of paper bags and construction paper instead of paying $12.  Here they are all together, and then individually.  I wanted to be able to zoom in on the puppets in the Amazon picture, and just couldn't.  So I solved my problem for you.  

First plague: water turned to blood

Second plague: frogs. Everywhere.

Third plague: gnats out of the dust

Fourth plague: swarms of flies

Fifth plague: Egyptian livestock die

Sixth plague: boils

Seventh plague: hail

Eighth plague: locusts (big ol' HUNGRY grasshoppers)

Ninth plague: utter darkness

Tenth plague: death of the firstborn


  1. You are awesome! Thank you SO much for sharing this! I'm not an uber crafty mom, but I can do these! :)

    1. You are so welcome, and thank YOU! I love that this was found is being helpful to someone else in the wide, wide world :0)

  2. This is amazing! I am having my sunday school class make this! We have a puppet theatre in our classroom and often make puppets to go along with stories so they can retell the stories later! TY for this idea!!

    1. That is so great! I love when teachers find a theme that works well for their kids to pull together lessons in a way that makes them creative and fun. I really do think it helps them remember more. My sister-in-law recently taught a whole quarter of 6-9 y.o. Sunday School lessons using Lego stop-motion videos she made. Yay for engaging kids with the gospel <3

  3. Thank you for so much for this craft. Its a simple and also fun way to do the story with young children. I love it.
