Sunday, April 12, 2015

He Promises Life!

I have been Waiting for the better part of eight months.  

Dr. Seuss describes the Waiting Place...a most useless place...

...for people just waiting.  Waiting for a train to goor a bus to come, or a plane to goor the mail to come, or the rain to go or the phone to ring, or the snow to snowor waiting around for a Yes or Noor waiting for their hair to grow.Everyone is just waiting.  
But you know what?  It isn't a useless place.  It isn't a fun place--but it has Purpose.  

I don't know if any of you have noticed, but I haven't said written much in my cyber world lately.  Because I haven't really known what to Say.  I mean, I'm Waiting, and it hasn't been very feel-good.  There's enough feel-bad already, and I don't need to add to it for you.  Sure, I share a complaint sometimes, but when I'm feeling generally dull-blue, I just don't share it.  I'd rather build you up.  
So here's a quick picture of my waiting: I've been waiting for a baby.  We began trying for a baby last August, and were given a great gift when we found out I was pregnant in October.  But Libi was a short-lived gift, and I lost our baby at about 6 weeks (though that process, too, was drawn out over several Waiting Weeks).         

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