Friday, February 24, 2012

The Best-Laid Plans

I appreciate my baby doctor.  

Today, February 24, completes the ninth day of irregular contractions.  My master plan of "baby born at start of winter break week" failed; that would have provided help from my mom and others whose schools observe winter break (hubby's doesn't), allowing him to use his available days off in this following week, thus extending the amount of help I'm able to have once home. 

So the next-best plan is "baby born on the weekend," allowing Andy's days off to happen once we're coming home, instead of sitting around in a hospital for three days.  

I expressed this to my doctor in this afternoon's visit.  And so, though pregnant ladies are not strictly "eligible" for labor induction until 39 weeks' gestation (I'm currently 38 and 2 days), he determined that my body is ready enough for this process, and "slipped" during my exam.  Membranes stripped :0) 

And I have had more contractions than usual through the evening hours (keep it up, little man!).  But I'm hopeful that he will wait until early morning to really get going.  Because, though my doctor isn't on call this weekend, he's available during the day tomorrow.  After nine months of taking care of Lincoln, he was not the one to deliver him, and didn't actually meet my son until about three weeks ago.  I'd like him to be able to meet this little guy at the get-go; seems there would be immense satisfaction in seeing a baby through from beginning to end!  (There's also approximately the first big winter storm of the season cranking through the night, so driving would be safer in daylight...  The irony would be pretty complete, though, if he arrived in the midst of the storm--sort of like our wedding day on the Fourth of July, on which it poured all day, with a full month of sunshine either side of it!)

And if there's no baby tomorrow, or this weekend...well, we'll cross that bridge if we come to it.  Psalm 139:16.

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