Tuesday, February 28, 2012

What's in a Name?

Today, February 28th, 2012, is the birthday of my second little boy!  He is beautiful!

Excerpted from my journal entry of February 20, 2012:

We surprised ourselves last night by changing our son's name.  All along, we thought we had been set on Jeremiah, and were still just debating his middle name.  But as of last night, it appears that this little boy will be named Lewis Jeremiah Huntress.  Help us as we grow into his name, Father, to embrace his name fully.  

Lewis: royal; Germanic; "famous fighter"
Jeremiah: "Yah raises up"

Really, this is quite a name to live up to!  

From our presbytery, June 14, 2009 (prophesying over our own, yet-unborn children):
"It's going to take work but I'm telling you, those children are going to serve God.  You mark my words, I see one pastoring, I see one involved in government, and one involved in the educational system, and they are going to--the Lord tarries, these children are going to be history makers, and they are going to come right from you guys.  Hallelujah!"

To make history in any of these three categories, a man would need to be a famous fighter, raised up by Yah, a man of integrity and zealous for the truth of God.  He will need to be so courageous.  

Amen to this, Father!


We actually chose "Lewis" in honor of our mutual favorite author, Clive Staples Lewis.  The meaning of his name I discovered afterward, and simply strengthens the conviction that our little boy's name holds meaning for who he is in God, and the purposes cut out for him. 
Also, "Lincoln and Lewis" is cuter together than "Lincoln and Jeremiah." :0)

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations to the Huntress family!

    Thank God Lewis wasn't a leap year boy.

    <3 Phil & Rachel
