Thursday, July 18, 2024

Perspective Shift

 I finally made it to a season to focus on publishing my book! Except by now, the third week into the school year, I still haven't made any headway on the book. A different project has come up each week, and I was feeling discouraged.

But then my husband sat me down for a pep talk. You see, he said, each of these projects is in reality what you have set out to do. No day is the same, and each of these different projects reflects your desire to teach, to inspire wonder and curiosity, to give people products of excellence and beauty. Six months ago, none of these thing were happening, but look at where God has brought you: at the brink of this new season, SO MUCH is rolling out!

He didn't say it exactly in that way, but this is what his encouragement reminded me of. And he's right, and it's good.

For the record, the projects underway are a family devotional to accompany the fall sermon series on the Ten Commandments at Abundant Life Fellowship in Boonville, NY; a grant application for future mural work in a nearby community; and curriculum work and some teaching with this week's Creation Investigation program at Beaver Camp, outside of Lowville, NY. I am setting up work for the present and the future.

Next week, the project will be book-focused, and I am so excited for it!

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