Thursday, July 18, 2024

Right to Health

I too would LOVE to see "the right to health (taken) out of the hands of insurance companies who's goal is to make money not save lives and giving everyone an equal shot at a healthy life." It bothers me no end that, even with insurance, it costs me over $80 to visit my physicians assistant to get a prescription for the thing I already knew I needed, not to speak of the health questions I wonder about and will never clinically "investigate." However, there are too many details of this legislation that actually transfer control of Americans' health and wellness decisions to the hands of the government. I do not and cannot believe that the government knows what we need better than we know it ourselves, and they have no business setting themselves in that place over us. And all this focus on the classes? Again, it is maddening and heartbreaking--but NOT the government's job to bandage these wounds. If the government would redirect its focus to supporting the religious and social organizations that focus on helping the helpless, the problems would be unimaginably smaller. The United States of America was founded as a constitutional democracy, but it is moving rapidly toward the principles of a socialist republic, because in many ways we've chosen the easier route of giving the government responsibility for us, whether or not we realize it. And socialist republics? In time, they crumble and fall because liberty and the individual have been smothered out of them. It has never led to prosperity, so why should we be compelled to repeat their mistakes?

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